Visit chairman of jiangsu qiangsheng functional chemical co., LTD. Ying zhiyao: the road to qiangshe


Chinasun Specialty Products Co.,Ltd.,which is located in guli town, changshu suburb, is the current chairman of the board of directors and general manager Mr. Ying zhiyao.

Founded in 1997, the company gradually developed into one of the largest organic peroxide production enterprises in China. At present, the company has a number of peroxide automatic production lines, taking the lead in using continuous production technology, to produce high-quality, inexpensive, competitive products in the world, from replacing imports to the world. At the same time in the field of chemical reagents, strong production varieties product plan has reached more than 1000 kinds, the company in 2013 sales revenue 351 million yuan, profits and taxes more than 48 million yuan, 2014 the company continued to enhance the profitability of the main business, income showed a large growth, revenue 416.9957 million yuan, a year-on-year growth of 18.85%; The net profit was RMB 4,648.90 million, up 46.06% year on year. The company has won the high and New Technology Enterprise of Jiangsu Province, innovative Enterprise of Jiangsu Province, quality Award of Suzhou City, and won 10 national invention patents and 6 high and new technology products of Jiangsu Province.

On October 8, 2014, qiangsheng shares became the first enterprise (stock code 831184) successfully listed on the new third board in changshu city.The company's successful listing, will take a new step of development.

Looking back at 20 years of entrepreneurial development process, strong shares of the road to prosperity clearly show in front of people......

With chemical affinity, open the door of fine chemicals by indomitable perseverance

Ying zhiyao was born in Shanghai in 1956 and moved to changshu with his mother in 1958. Growing up in a difficult rural environment, ying zhiyao excelled from primary school to middle school. He was a member of track and field team, basketball team and volleyball team in middle school.Sports not only build the body, to hone his strong will, in 1975 after graduating from high school should be chi YaoXian planted, had taken to the local primary school middle school class, it was not until 1978 was admitted to nanjing university chemical polymer, chemistry department in June 1982, graduated from nanjing university, after graduation, successively in changshu jack factory as a technician, deputy section chief in changshu plant technology;From 1987 to 1997, he worked in zhuhai jinzhu institute of applied chemistry as the director of the research office and senior engineer.Established in 1997, the powerful stock as chairman, general manager.In one of his own words, he said, "entering the department of chemistry of ntu, he has had an indissoluble bond with chemistry all his life".

Organic peroxide products are widely used in the manufacture of the polymer materials, can be used as polystyrene, expansible polystyrene, ABS, polyacrylic, styrene-butadiene rubber polymerization initiator, and unsaturated polyester, crosslinked polyethylene, ethylene propylene rubber, hot vulcanized silicone rubber crosslinking agent and polypropylene fiber (pp) JiangXieJi etc.For a long time, China's organic peroxides mainly rely on imports, organic peroxides, with the characteristics of thermal instability, in the production, management, storage, transportation process has a higher safety requirements, the spring of 1996 began to operate small-scale production, constantly in order to improve the quality of products to do large-scale production scale, to strengthen the enterprise to explore.He would often work for dozens of hours on three shifts.From 1996 to 1997, ying zhiyao scalded himself in organic peroxide test twice, which won him the first-hand information of stable technological conditions. On his hospital bed, he thought most about how to avoid accidents and how to realize a safe technological process to organize production.With his perseverance and perseverance, the door to success opened step by step.

In 1998 ~ 1999 in the chemical distribution industry, should be always bought three peer enterprises, sales expanded scale, at the same time also successfully trial-produced Enox101 that could satisfy the requirement of export products, in May 1999, is strong in the south by BaiMao Town, 204 national road in the north of the 4 acres of low-lying land to build two workshop, three office with small bungalow, absorb the state-owned chemical plant laid off more than a dozen workers in changshu, started a new strong chemical industry development road.Should always fight with workers on the production line every day, constantly adjust and improve the production process, implement safe and effective production operations, constantly adjust and plan the development of the company.In 2000, the company embarked on the track of sound development, and its products successfully entered the international market.In 2009, qiangsheng chemical entered the ranks of the top 100 enterprises in changshu city.

Chemical products in the production process will produce a certain amount of waste water, waste gas and solid waste.Qiangsheng company increased the investment in environmental protection facilities, and pay attention to the comprehensive recycling in the production process, "three wastes" to the minimum, to achieve standard emissions.Organic peroxides at room temperature have the characteristics of thermal instability. They have higher requirements for safety in the process of production, management, storage and transportation.Companies always adhere to the safety work on the position of the first of all, the beginning of each new project, will strengthen the equipment investment and management of the construction of the hardware facilities, the production process gradually adopted the method of continuous production equipment, improve the production process automation, try to minimize the chance of people contact with the material, in at the same time, to improve the security of reducing the worker labor intensity.

2014 was a year of rapid development for jiangsu qiangsheng functional chemical co., LTD. The management of the company focused on the business objectives set at the beginning of the year and achieved remarkable results in product research and development, market development and operating income through the joint efforts of all the staff.At the same time, the company attaches great importance to the improvement and construction of internal control system and risk prevention and control, and has made steady progress and great breakthroughs in various management, laying a foundation for the company's steady and rapid development in the future.

Scientific and technological innovation thinking enterprise development road

Quality is the lifeline of enterprise survival and development.In qiangsheng chemical co., LTD., there are not only the internationally advanced organic peroxide production equipment, but also a set of scientific and standardized production process, which ensures the continuous improvement of the production efficiency of the enterprise.Moreover, the entire production process, from product design and development, material procurement and production, product inspection and packaging, finished product storage and transportation and sales services, waste disposal, each process has strict standards, transportation and production in strict accordance with the standards, and strive to make each product reach international quality standards.Strong analysis and testing center, the introduction of excellent analysis and testing personnel and advanced analysis equipment, since 2002, strong has passed the ISO9001 quality management system, ISO14001 environmental management system, GB/T28001 occupational health and safety management system certification.It has established a standardized management system and a relatively complete training and education system for employees.

Adhere to scientific and technological innovation, the company has a good ability to continue operations.Jiangsu qiangsheng functional chemical co., LTD is mainly engaged in the production and marketing of peroxides and reagents.The company has always paid attention to the development of overseas markets in its operation. In 2014, the revenue from overseas markets accounted for 44.09% of the total revenue, and its customers covered more than 20 developed countries and regions.

In recent years, supported by a series of national policies and measures, organic peroxide industry has developed rapidly.Information technology under the state council and industry in recent years continuous issued a series of encouraging the industry development policy, such as: the state council "" twelfth five-year" national strategic emerging industry development plan in the proposed expand fluorine silicone rubber, ethylene propylene rubber and other special rubber production scale, speed up the development of high-end varieties and special additives, focus on improving the performance of special additives and resins to develop high specific modulus, high stability and thermoplastic composites varieties.The above policies have established a good policy environment for the organic peroxide industry, which enables the company to develop steadily.

Organic peroxide industry ongoing international industry transfer, the last two decades, the world's manufacturing industry has been shift to the asia-pacific region, with the rapid development of China's economy has created a huge market, many large chemical enterprises of foreign investment in China, organic peroxide aksu and aqua are the leading enterprises in the world invest in our country.In the future, with the deepening of international economic division of labor and cooperation, organic peroxide products will be gradually transferred to the emerging developing countries represented by China, and the international industrial transfer will bring a huge market and further promote the development of domestic organic peroxide industry.

Look to the future and pursue a high level of self-realization

Excellent production technology, excellent product quality, perfect after-sales service, so that the strong market competitiveness gradually enhanced.Strong in the process of development, each process reform research and development success, not eager to earn high profits, but to reduce the cost to customers, and lose no time to expand capacity;By expanding the scale of production capacity, the comprehensive utilization has economy, environmental protection and low cost, so as to quickly occupy the commanding height of the market.Strong and won the trust and recognition of users and peers.Global famous chemical enterprises, such as aksu, akoma, degussa, panko, GE, dow corning, shineyue, dow, etc., have established cooperative partnership with qiangsheng.

In May 2014, design production capacity of annual output of 46000 tons of organic peroxides and chemical projects, in the company's subsidiary, changshu binjiang chemical co., LTD., trial production, as a strong existing scale production of the product development and complement, the production of new products can enrich the company product variety, improve the product line so as to adapt to market changes.The gradual release of production capacity of binjiang chemical will greatly improve the production and operation scale of the company, and the company's performance and profitability will be further enhanced.

Experience a few 20 years of start a business, should always say oneself start up from scratch at that time opportunity is good, rent workshop, lease land, do chemical plant to do what threshold does not have.Talk about now strong peroxidation production capacity output continues to expand, the market share continues to expand, the impact of products in the market rise, import peroxides products from the high down.The main reason is our technological innovation and technological breakthrough, adhere to the realization of green technology and scientific concept of environmental protection.When it comes to technology and production capacity, ying zong, the enterprise leader who integrates technology, management and management, is proud in his words.Now, with solid chemical foundation, years of experience in technical development and good management strategies, ying always has a deep understanding of products and markets, so that the world can see the results of China's peroxide mass production and see the power of China's manufacturing.

Stronger in the factory, we both see neat chemical production plant, equipment, see the workshop surrounding green butterfly flutters between all kinds of flowers, and plant all the way across the woods luxuriantly green at the center of the garden, water after environmental protection and biochemical treatment of koi fish swim in the pool is, in a beautiful clean environment set off a busy worker shuttle shadow...

The famous American humanistic psychologist maslow was the first to put forward the famous theory of life needs, "human beings are animals that can never be satisfied".It is pointed out that human needs advance from the lower level to the higher level, that is, physiological needs → security needs → love and belonging needs → respected needs → self-realization needs.After maslow's death, his students supplemented his latest research with three needs: knowledge, beauty and the unity of man and nature.Maslow's demand theory emphasizes the development of human's creative potential and human's self-realization. Its focus is to give full play to and express individual abilities, but it does not organically link self-realization with social needs, which may lead to an individual struggle that ignores social needs.However, what should be said by the general and powerful people today is not only individual self-realization, but more importantly, the combination of individual self-realization and social needs, that is, the true self-realization, in order to obtain the greatest psychological satisfaction.

Today, the strong choice of private companies to become public companies, the former private enterprises, the management and management of the boss, the decision is like a royal decree, immediately executed.Now the enterprise is on the new third board. The operation of the enterprise needs the decision of the board of directors, the major matters need to go to the general meeting of shareholders and the financial affairs need to be disclosed.Corporate governance has become more standardized and transparent.

Today's strong shares are actively on the road to self-realization.Strong will actively participate in the sustainable development of the society, give full play to professional expertise, and strive to achieve the environment, safety, occupational health and the harmonious coexistence of society and stakeholders, and throughout the operation of each link of the enterprise.Looking forward to the future, strong and willing to join hands with the community to create a better tomorrow!
